Copyright 2017 by Lori-Ann Willey
Which do you choose?

I'm both appalled and saddened, while at the same time, a rash of questions screamed throughout my head. "How did this all become a new normalcy? Why are so many people so filled with spite, intolerance, and rage? When and why did it become a sport to be so intolerant of opposing views and opposing choices? Why are we so blatantly intolerant of each other over the littlest of things?"
Also, since when did "Playing Victim" become the latest fad? Apparently, that is quite a popular game these days. Meanwhile, instead of encouraging your self-hyped fears, you could reach outwards and become a hero, because believe it or not, there are TRUE victims out there, and probably within arms reach of you. Trust me, true victims do not play the disgraceful the vindictive, attention-grabbing victim game. Why do you mock them, and in such a callous way? How shameful!
Modern day "Separatists" are playing the victim card, too. They play mostly under the false theme of unification. Because of these groups, our country is severely divided and intentionally so. They single themselves out as being different, but the same. Huh? People can keep their identity and still get along with others ...can't they? I mean, we are all individuals ...are we not? Why do you feel you are more important than the next person? You aren't. Neither am I.
The trouble begins when one group wants to be treated not only fairly, but better than the other. Unfortunately, it does not seem to be enough to "just get along" as people. Apparently, everyone wants some sort of a distinguished title. Equality means just that -being equal. In my eyes, all are equal and all are equally important, but let it be known that I voted for Donald Trump, and suddenly, I'm a racist without just cause! It is then, that I became a true victim of their false accusational thoughts. See how quickly and easily that turned? Since when did name-calling become entertainment, a sport, if you will?
Instead of being a country for all, we've become a country of segregationalists. Each proclaimed "group" has a reference name. They, themselves, set their group apart from others while at the same time, they scream both unification and equality. Now, we have more and more newly-found segregation groups in our country than ever before. I'm shocked that my coffee cup hasn't formed a group yet! It is getting that bad!
The fastest way to become a "target" is by setting yourself aside, giving yourself a title, and then, demand that everyone treat you differently". Yet, aren't we all different from each other in the first place? Every one of us? How is singling yourself out an attempt at "Unification" when you intentionally set yourself apart from others? That makes no sense to me.
Sometimes, I feel helpless over all the upheaval. Why do so many people want such ugliness inside of them? Worse yet, spew it onto others? Help make other lives miserable? How sad it all is that after our country has come so far, and in a matter of a few years, has crumbled almost beyond recognition. Today's youth don't have a clue about how far we've come as a country, but anyone 50 and up should stop and think about that for a minute or two. Anyone younger should ask an elder about their years in life thus far. Get a perspective, because, without it, you haven't a clue. How can you?
The past several years, especially the last few, have instilled fear. The new-found sport of hate and intolerance has taken over a vast portion of the American people. We can blame the media. We can blame the previous Presidents. We can blame the political process, and we can blame the current President all we want. But, ideally, it comes down to the tolerance level of each of us.
Each of us has a say and each of us has a tolerance level. We can each be responsible for ourselves, which in turn, encourages others to be responsible for their own actions and words, too. We can better choose our words, better formulate our thoughts, be more kind, more tolerant, more appreciative of other views, too. Each of us has the ability, and hopefully, the want, to de-escalate a problem rather than inflating it. Believe it or not, we can learn from each other. The problem is, so few make the effort. Too few are willing to listen, learn, or even want to understand each other. So few want tolerance. Why? Maybe practice counting to three before responding to anyone?
In the end, we all have the choice, to love or hate. I chose love and I will every time! Those who chose to hate should reflect inward and stop making excuses for whatever makes you unhappy. Fix it so you can find love, too.