Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Woman's March

The Woman's March 2017

Copyright 2017 by Lori-Ann Willey

I just can't get over the ideology of some of the Woman's Marchers.

It really bothered me to see a young pre-teen girl, maybe eleven years old, holding a protest sign saying, "Nasty Woman in Training".

What is wrong with these parents that allow their child of such a young age to participate in such a march?  Surely, the children don't even know WHY they are there in the first place. 

Isn't all that, especially the sign, a form of corruption? How is that a good cause?  

My heart is so sad right now. How is any of this fun for people? 

How is any of this "just" or "justice"? 

I think all this is very, very, very sad.  Such things as wearing vagina costumes upon the faces and head, or even entire bodies is nothing more than a public display of pornography and/or indecent exposure?

Such people did not do America proud, or at least, they do not do me proud.  To me, it is shameful that people are stoop so low.

Can you imagine if someone, no matter the sexual orientation or age, wore a vagina costume for Halloween and trotted around YOUR neighborhood?  

How about if someone wore a huge penis costume?

Can you imagine, if someone decided to make such a statement in your grocery store, on your bus, in your child's school setting?

If those people want to wear such genitalia costumes, please keep them in your own home.   But, tell me, if a child came to school and spoke about how Mommy (or, mommies) and/or Daddy (or, daddies) walk around the home wearing vagina and penis's, you don't think child protective services wouldn't come knocking?  And, that is WITHIN the home.  Now take that thought process onto the streets in public view, in front of the cameras for the world (literally) to see.  Is it not bad enough you taint your own child, you must taint other children across the world, too?

Tell me, if a man walked down the street with his genitals hanging out, would he/she not be arrested for indecent exposure?  If he walked around children, would he not be arrested for indecent exposure to children?  What is the difference between a costume and the real thing?  When it comes to public display ...nothing.

All those women attended the march because they were on a mission, had something to prove, had a cause of their own.  That is fine.  March as you will.  However, consider the extremists who tainted YOUR cause.  

Think about the message Madonna sends in her music and in her sexually explicit modeling poses.  Yet, she was chosen to represent women?  The admittance that many times she thought about blowing up the White House?  Betterment of yourself starts with yourself, not the accusation that men are to blame for everything you don't like.

What about that Judd woman?  How nasty, foul, and degrading she was to herself.  How NASTY she truly is with her very visually descriptive words about blood-stained sheets and pants!   Again, betterment of yourself with yourself, not the accusation that men are to blame for everything you don't like in this world. 

None of the women above represent this woman, nor do they represent most women.

I was happy to see that there were marches in different locations that were peaceful. For that, I am thankful. However, the message of filth, self-degradation, and pornography, spewn by foul-mouths by wearing genitalia costumes ...with faces inside poking out, do NOT REPRESENT THIS WOMAN. I understand THOSE are the extremists ...they still represent the whole, like it or not. Which photos will be remembered?  Always the extremists.  I would not want a peaceful march to be represented by such people.  Such people did not represent you, either.  I get that and for you, I'm sorry.

Speaking OF "betterment", 90 MILLION DOLLARS was given by a single man in support of the March. That does not include all the smaller donations by other people. It does not include the hundreds of dollars that came from the pockets of those who spent their own money to attend a march.

I can't help but think, HOW MANY WOMEN that 90 MILLION DOLLARS would help feed, cloth, get counseling, medical care, help pay bills, etc. To me, if this woman's march was such a great cause, I can think of better ways to help women than free rides to DC and thrown litter upon the ground, and then, walk away leaving the mess, your mess for others to clean. 

All that 90 MILLION DOLLARS could have been spent so wisely.  Instead, it was spent on bussing people to a march.  Do you not realize how that money could greatly benefit women crisis, feed their children, wash their clothes, provide mental health care, helpful programs, etc.  

If Mr. Soros truly wanted to help women, don't you think the money would have gone to help them instead of pushing his own agenda?  Like it or not, Mr. Soros PAID you to march under the ideology of the "Women's March", but in reality, it was an "Anti-Trump March".  Otherwise, countless women would be much better off today if that 90 MILLION DOLLARS was truly for women.  One man, single-handedly could have changed America overnight. But, that didn't happen, did it? 

Instead, Mr. Soros spent his money on those who "drank the cool-aid" and fell for his deception. Thanks, ladies, you just helped a multi-billionaire become a very, very powerful MAN.  You just helped that same man become more and more of a dictator.  You fell for the trap.  Mr. Soros, meanwhile sits back and is laughing at all the gullible women of America.  You let him trick you for his own personal cause.  Where is your women power now?

Think of it this way, if Mr. Soros and all those Hollywood women TRULY wanted to help, then they would not just shoot filth from their mouths while their own pockets are lined with gold, homes with fences, gunned guards for protection ....and drugs in their bodies. Not to mention the photos and song lyrics they so proudly blurt.  Where is their TRUE help for women?  

To say the whole march idea was NOT an anti-Trump movement is foolish.  You drank the cool-aid offered by a multibillion dollar man that had an alternative cause. Women, you were just a pawn -a George Soros pawn.  

If you do not think so, then ask yourself, why did the Woman's March take place the DAY AFTER President Trump was elected?  Why protest then?   President Trump simply inherited the mess that others created in this country before him.  President Trump says he will fix a lot of the problems in America.  Yet, it appears that many women do not want him to do that?  You expect him to make everything better within hours after taking the Presidential Oath?   The quick fix solution is in my challenge below.  THAT is how you can help, not by protesting with someone else’s money that could have helped millions of women country-wide (countries wide)!

Reality Check!  If you truly wanted to help women, start by selecting decent women to represent all women, not just the “Nasty Woman”.  Start by protesting the lyrics of songs laden with blood, guts, gore, death, killing of police officers, rape, incest, and all the Nasty Women poses by Madonna, too. Doing such things WILL help all women, not just the NASTY.

You "Nasty Women" want a better America?  Stop talking, and start HELPING the women by donating your money, create programs and organizations to help women in need.  Put your money where your mouth is!  Don't just scream, DO!  Maybe then, I will consider you representing me, a woman who DOES for betterment of all. 

I CHALLENGE YOU to help change America overnight!  There are NO excuses.  A little or a lot.  At least you will see the difference in your home, your community, and within yourself!  A better cause.  A better and quicker result. 

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