Sunday, February 5, 2017

RIOTERS - Our Government VS Socialism VS Communism.

RIOTERS - Our Government VS Socialism VS Communism

Copyright 2017 by Lori-Ann Willey

"Socialism and communism are alike in that both are systems of production for use based on public ownership of the means of production and centralized planning. Socialism grows directly out of capitalism; it is the first form of the new society. Communism is a further development or "higher stage" of socialism."  (

Young people just adored Bernie Sanders because they liked his socialistic ideas -share the wealth of those who have with those who have not. President Trump will help that via taxation, but it does not happen overnight or maybe not even to the extent that is wanted by some, but it will help.

I wonder, just how many realize how closely related Socialism is to Communism. People scream that President Trump is a "dictator" and go as far to say he is another "Hitler". Well, let's look at this for a second.

Maybe people should STOP, THINK, and LISTEN ...become educated on the topic of HISTORY, too.

If you have the courage, look up such names as, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and Saddam Hussein. While you’re at it, research North Korea and the leader there. You now, the country that is always threatening Nuclear Missiles flying our way? Don’t forget to research other communist leaders in the world, too.

The more you read, the more you will appreciate our good ol’ United States of America, and maybe your Constitutional Government, as well as your freedom within, too.

Grab a dictionary and as you read about the names above, define the following words as you come across them: genocide, politicide, democide, crime against Humanity, classicide, terror, mass killings, and communist holocaust.

While there are so many screaming “equality” upon American soil, maybe put the world into perspective a bit …our freedom and our government, too.

So many feel they must separate themselves from others by creating a cause. Then, they perform marches, riots, and picketing lines under their segregating titles and of “entitlement”. Such group, thinking so or not, intentionally set themselves aside, excluding themselves from others, while, at the same time, scream equality because they are the same, but not. Huh? People are people. I do not see one as different from the other, nor should anyone, so why give anyone a title, let alone oneself?

Aren’t such doing nothing more than intentionally separate themselves by having titles?

Ever think about that?

How is that "inclusion"?

Without realizing it, what such people are asking for, demanding, in a roundabout way, is a dictatorship-like government. Aren’t they not? Isn’t that what they accuse President Trump as being …a dictator?

Think about it.

I wished these rioting groups would find a more peaceful way …a better way, to make this country a better place for all, because RIOTING just forces an upper hand. That upper hand is more government control, more police control, more laws, more strictness upon the people to protect all people. Don’t they see this?

More government control means dictatorship. If people continue to riot and find reasons to riot, they will make the fear of a dictatorship a reality. So many already wanted a socialist as a President. That is one step closer to communistic rule. One step closer to real dictatorship.

What do you really want?

Something to think about.

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